Now, I can't take credit for this as it was already in play before I started working at my new library but this is a really great program that has been a hit for two years in a row. And it's super easy on the librarian running it. I feature these as family events because 1. we don't have enough family events and 2. it helps to have more adults who can wield a glue gun in the room. I called up Payless Shoes about two weeks before the program and asked them to put some boxes aside for me. I also asked the staff (and gave them about 6 months of warning). I ended up having almost 50 shoe boxes, 99% with lids. Not too shabby! Then, before Easter, I panicked and ran to the store to buy Peeps at about 1.07 a package. After the holiday, I saw my panic was for naught as the box store had hundreds of them left at .57 a package. You never can tell, though. I also grabbed jelly beans, Easter grass, and these marshmallow things that looked like cupcakes (and I found some Darth ...