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Showing posts from June, 2008

Ah, Good-Old Chuck

I was not going to read Snuff, honestly...I was not. Haunted so turned my stomach that I swore I would not read anymore of Chuck's work (stomach:intestines, bad pun, I'm sorry). But the man is a genius. I recommend Fight Club and Lullaby-my personal fave. In that lovely story, a real estate agent only sells haunted houses because she knows that whoever buys it will only be reselling it in a short time. So I'm sitting at work and the day-glo pink of the Snuff cover is just calling to me, and next thing I know, I'm a hundred pages in. I liked the story. I thought it was well done, but I hated the ending. The work I love the most by Mr. Palaniuk is his non-fiction. He can give quite the education. For example, he writes about life aboard a submarine and the existence of cauliflower ears. Good stuff. My TBR pile is sickening. I just brought home Ibid. A Novel in Footnotes (by Mark Dunn who did Ella Minnow Pea which I loved, loved, loved) and three others. I need a we...

Heavy summer reading

Just finished Pillars of the Earth. The funny thing about this book is that complete strangers stopped me to tell me that they had read it ten, fifteen, and seventeen years ago. I had never heard about it. I saw a lady reading it on the train and decided it fit the bill for the chunkster challenge. So, how is it? Well, the book has its moments. Sometimes I could not read fast enough, and other times I was so tired of reading about mortar or a recap of what just happened that I actually put it down and read other things. I loved Alaina and Jack, but I really loved Philip. It had action, loads of action, it had drama, and it had politics. So, as far as huge books about building a cathedral go, it is my favorite. Weighing that against the fact that I have not read any other books about building a cathedral ...there you go. As for the sequel, I think I will wait until next summer to plow into that. I am playing catch up on my winter reading at this point-all that stuff I had to send back ...