I finally got my hands on Clementine! There was some problem with the small press and ordering and the library's copies have yet to come in. I called my favorite independent book store and the owner got a sweet hardcover copy for me. I actually finished it right away (it was only 200 pages). While I thought it was really great, especially the action air battles, I would have liked a little more Boneshaker references. One can read this novel without reading Boneshaker first, but honestly, why would you want to?
Boneshaker rocked!
I think Cherie Priest rocks too. I love that she updates her blog on goodreads.com all of the time.
While we were at my favorite independent book store, I saw that the owner had these wands for sale that were essentially just sticks dressed up with yarn and charms. They were cooler than I'm making them sound. So, the girls and I are going to craft some tonight-we stopped at the park earlier and found perfect "wands".
I always feel good about buying books at that book store. I know I spent more than I can realistically afford on books, but I was helping a small business out. I put my order in for a couple of titles that are being released in late August. I know the library wont (or really, can't) afford to buy these titles, so I might as well get them from a store that needs the money. As much as I love my ereader, not every title is out in ebook format. I guess that is just me and my weird taste! Of course, if the alternative is to read mainstream fiction, I'd rather not read.
Currently I am doing a lot of rereading-mostly because the Teen Book Club's Mockingjay Party is almost upon us!!!! Yes, I just wanted an excuse to reread the first two book, but I also think these books rock. I was cruising the interwebs and I saw that Hot Topic and Borders are now selling Hunger Games related products. I have started my Christmas List....