Uh-oh! It's getting down to the wire and I have two and a half books to go. Yipe! I'm really struggling with Ninefox Gambit, my loves. It's so intense and it's so hard to read something to read text that is a block of words you recognize, but some of those words do not mean what you think they mean. Really, all of scifi has bits like that. It's just that after awhile, the reader adjusts and it lets up. This one is NOT letting up. Novellas Confession, this section was completely rigged because Every Heart a Doorway was one of my favorite books from last year. I did not know then that it was a novella, nor did I care. To be fair, I read all of the nominees and, I could cry, because some of them are SO GOOD. Runtime was everything for me. If you say science fiction story, Runtime is exactly what I think of. It's perfect. It's awesome, it was soooooo good. I loved The Dream-Quest of Villett Boe because it featured a middle-aged woman on a quest wi...